Fanshawe Career Guide

Commercial Flight and Aviation Leadership CFA1

33% theory with Flight Option

Workload Level- Heavy

  • 6 courses in the first semester
  • .5 hours of study/assignments required for each hour in class
  • 23 hours of class (34.5 hour/week commitment)
  • It is expected that you will participate in out of class activities.

Holland Code: R (Realistic)

What academic skills do I need to be successful in the program?

This list does not replace the admission requirements you must have for admission to the program. Please see website for details.

Arts & Literacy A strong background in the English language is essential to success in this program. Students in the flight portion must be able to speak and understand English extremely proficiently for the safety of their flight.

Math and Science Basic math skills are essential and algebra and geometry is an asset.

Technology Science is an asset for understanding the weather. Technology for engines and aircraft.

What personal qualities should someone interested in this career have?

Strong communication and leadership skills are an asset to any pilot candidate and essential to success in the program.

Useful background experience for this program would be

Any background in flying or ground school would be helpful. Strong math skills.

What kind of work could I do when I graduate?

  • After completion of this program, those in the flying portion will be qualified commercial pilots. Careers range from flight instruction to aerial spray applicator, commercial pilots, corporate pilots or any of the vast array of flying careers.
  • Graduates will also have a strong background for airline operations, management, or businesses related to aviation.

Places you may find yourself employed include

  • Graduates could be hired into entry level airline jobs through pathway programs, become flight instructors, aerial photographers, military pilots, etc.
  • They could also find ground jobs in operations and management at the same type of companies as above.

Typical working conditions for this kind of work:

Many pilots work unusual hours or shifts based on the type of flying they chose to pursue. They are exposed to the elements during walk-around and fly in a variety of weather conditions. Some pilots may fly in cold weather of the Arctic or the hot weather of the Caribbean.

Tasks a graduate may do in the workplace:

  • Flying
  • Operations
  • Management

Helpful links for further research into this Fanshawe College program and career opportunity

  • Graduates can go on to obtain their ATPL License. (Airline Transport Pilot License).
  • Fanshawe’s library has prepared a subject guide for current students in this program. You may find the links and information provided very useful in learning more about this career.

Opportunities for further development or education

The National Occupation Classification (NOC) system is used by the Canadian government to provide detailed information on careers. Click on the links below to learn more about careers associated with this Fanshawe College program. Please note: These codes are listed here for information purposes only. Fanshawe College does not guarantee graduates careers in these fields.

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View our Admissions Timeline to learn the steps and how to apply.

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Last Modified: June 1, 2022