Fanshawe Career Guide

Doula Studies DLA

Workload Level

  • 7 courses in the first semester
  • 1 hour of study/assignments required for each hour in class
  • 22 hours of class (44 hour/week commitment)
  • It is expected that you will participate in out of class activities.

Holland Code: S (Social)

What academic skills do I need to be successful in the program?

This list does not replace the admission requirements you must have for admission to the program. Please see website for details.

Arts & Literacy Communicate clearly, concisely, and correctly in the written, spoken, and visual form that fulfills the purpose and meets the needs of the audience. Respond to written, spoken, or visual messages in a manner that ensures effective communication.

Math and Science Execute mathematical operations accurately and apply a systematic approach to solve problems. Use a variety of thinking skills to anticipate and solve problems

Technology Locate, select, organize, and document information using appropriate technology and information systems and analyze, evaluate, and apply relevant information from a variety of sources

What personal qualities should someone interested in this career have?

  • show respect for the diverse opinions, values, belief systems, and contributions of others
  • interact with others in groups or teams in ways that contribute to effective working relationships and the achievement of goals
  • take responsibility for one’s own actions, decisions, and consequences

What kind of work could I do when I graduate?

Most doulas are self-employed, and graduates of this program will be prepared to develop and manage their own business. Given the comprehensive nature of this program, graduates will be able to work as a full-spectrum Doula, birth Doula and a postpartum Doula.

Places you may find yourself employed include

Clinics, health units, social service and non-profit agencies and community centres providing childbirth education workshops, breastfeeding clinics, etc.

Typical working conditions for this kind of work:

  • A variety of locations including hospitals, community and home settings
  • Flexible and unpredictable working hours seven days a week

Tasks a graduate may do in the workplace

1. Assist with the delivery of family-centred maternity care in collaboration with members of the health care team.
2. Examine the historical, political, and cultural aspects of the provision of maternity care both locally and globally and identify how they shape the experiences of contemporary mothering to meet the needs of clients.
3. Apply knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of a woman during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum to address the concerns and needs of clients.
4. Provide evidence-informed physical, emotional, physiological, and psychosexual support to enhance the comfort, health, and well-being of individuals and families as they negotiate the various transitions associated with pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.
5. Provide families with community and online resources related to the childbearing years to empower clients to make evidence-informed choices regarding pregnancy and birth options and newborn care, including infant and newborn nutrition.
6. Describe diagnostic testing procedures and medical interventions routinely used during pregnancy, labour, birth, and the postpartum period, and recognize the normal ranges and parameters for those test results.
7. Identify early signs of maternal physical and mental health concerns, and refer clients to appropriate community resources in a timely manner.
8. Foster professional relationships with clients, family members, caregivers, and other doulas.
9. Establish and maintain a professional Doula business in accordance with professional, legal, and ethical guidelines.
10. Identify and support clients’ needs based on the theories of diverse social determinants of health, cultural humility, and intersectionality and the principle of harm reduction.

Helpful links for further research into this Fanshawe College program and career opportunity

Opportunities for further development or education

  • Graduates have opportunities to transfer credits at Athabasca University, Western University, and Wilfrid Laurier University, Griffith University in Australia, and many other schools.

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Last Modified: January 11, 2024