Fanshawe Career Guide

Business Fundamentals - Entrepreneurship ENP2

Moderate workload

  • Six courses in your first semester
  • One hour of study or assignments required for each hour in class
  • 21 hours of class (42 hr/week commitment minimum)

Holland Code: E (Enterprising)

What academic skills do I need to be successful in the program?

This list does not replace the admission requirements you must have for admission to the program. Please see the website for details.

Arts & Literacy High school courses in Business Studies or Business and Technological Communication would be beneficial.

Technology Basic computer skills required (Microsoft Office, email, Internet).

What personal qualities should someone interested in this career have?

  • Good oral and written communication skills
  • Enjoy negotiating with other managers to find innovative solutions to problems
  • Ability to collaborate in a team environment
  • Innovative
  • Entrepreneurial
  • A willingness to keep up to date and consider new approaches to problem-solving
  • Confidence in your knowledge and suggestions
  • Aggressive and able to work in a competitive environment
  • Quick decision-maker
  • Able to deal with rejection
  • Quick learner
  • Comfortable with taking risks
  • The ability to work well under pressure and deal with unexpected situations calmly and effectively
  • The ability to get along with all kinds of people
  • The ability to work independently and without supervision or direction (self-motivated and self-directed)

Useful background experience for this program would be

Experience in a secondary school business club or Junior Achievement, and/or experience working in a small/family business.

What kind of work could will I do when I graduate?

Graduates of this program may go on to become a

Business owner or franchisee/franchisor.

Typical working conditions for this kind of work:

  • Working conditions will vary based on business

Places you may find yourself employed include

Retail, construction, real estate sales and property management, manufacturing, or agribusiness.

Tasks a graduate may do in the workplace

  • Put ideas into action
  • Entrepreneurs may take on all aspects of a business – budgeting, bookkeeping, promotions, purchasing, sales, etc

Helpful links for further research into this Fanshawe College program and career opportunity

Professional Credentials and Affiliations associated with this program

Fanshawe’s library has prepared a subject guide for current students in this program. You may find the links and information provided very useful in learning more about this career.

Opportunities for further development or education

  • Graduates may receive some transfer credits towards Fanshawe's Business diploma program.

Take the next step

View our Admissions Timeline to learn the steps and how to apply.

Ready to apply? Apply now!

Last Modified: January 15, 2024