Fanshawe Career Guide

Fine Art Foundation FAF

**Students who successfully complete the Fine Art Foundation program may enter year two of the Fine Art advanced diploma program.

Moderate workload

  • Seven courses in your first semester
  • One hour of studio or project work required for each hour in class
  • 25 hours of class (50 hr/week commitment minimum)

Holland Code: A (Artistic)

What academic skills do I need to be successful in the program?

This list does not replace the admission requirements you must have for admission to the program. Please see website for details.

Arts High school courses in Visual Arts, Music, Drama and Media Arts would be beneficial preparation for this program.

Technology Moderate computer skills required, program uses computer-aided design, photography and video.

What personal qualities should someone interested in this career have?

  • Enjoy working with your hands
  • Artistic talent and creativity
  • The ability to translate their ideas into finished products and critique their own work
  • The ability to communicate their ideas on paper (to prepare proposals)
  • The ability to deal with criticism
  • The motivation, self-discipline and determination required to work productively alone
  • Self-promotion and marketing skills

Useful background experience for this program would be

To attend museums, galleries, theatre or film events.

What kind of work will I do when I graduate?

Graduates of this program may go on to become a

Gallery attendant, art supply store clerk, or artist assistant. Many other careers are available with completion of the Fine Art Advanced diploma.

Typical working conditions for this kind of work:

  • Work is physical requiring lifting, bending, pushing
  • Artists often work alone in work in home studios or professional studios
  • Hours are irregular and may be long when finishing an art project

Places you may find yourself employed include

Self-employed, art studios, museums, theatres, and display construction.

Tasks a graduate may do in the workplace

  • Visual artists work with printmaking, photographs, digital media, designs, videos and other materials.
  • Painters create drawings, paintings and other artwork using oils, pastels, watercolours, charcoal, ink and other media.
  • Sculptors create sculptures, statues and other three-dimensional artwork by shaping, carving and working with materials such as clay, ice, paper, stone, wood or metal.

Helpful links for further research into this Fanshawe College program and career opportunity

Professional Credentials and Affiliations associated with this program

Opportunities for further development or education

Fanshawe’s library has prepared a subject guide for current students in this program. You may find the links and information provided very useful in learning more about this career.

Take the next step

View our Admissions Timeline to learn the steps and how to apply.

Ready to apply? Apply now!

Last Modified: June 4, 2024