Fanshawe Career Guide

Interactive Media Design IDP

Heavy workload

  • five courses in the first semester
  • 2 - 3 hours of study or assignments required/hour in class
  • 18 hours of class (54 - 72 hr/week commitment minimum)

Holland Code: A (Artistic)

What academic skills do I need to be successful in the program?

This list does not replace the admission requirements you must have for admission to the program. Please see website for details.

Arts & Literacy Basic English skills needed for essay writing and using social media.

Good preparation for this program includes: Grade 12 English, or Grade 12 the Writer's Craft, or Grade 12 Business and Technological Communication. High school courses in Media Arts are also recommended.

Science Grade 11 or Grade 12 Communications Technology, or Grade 11 Introduction to Computer Science and Grade 12 Computer Science are highly recommended as preparation for this program.

Technology Moderate computer skills required; photos are edited digitally.

What personal qualities should someone interested in this career have?

  • An active interest in keeping up with technological advances
  • Innovative
  • Imagination and artistic ability
  • The ability to think logically and abstractly
  • The ability to  pay keen attention to detail
  • Take a methodical approach to tasks requiring precision (for example, preparing specifications, estimating costs)
  • Patience
  • Convey their ideas to others
  • The ability to work alone or as part of a team in a creative environment
  • Able to communicate effectively and  consult with clients
  • Ability to manage your time and that of others

Useful background experience for this program would be

Involvement with a high school newspaper or year book committee, audio visual or photography club and an interest in audio recording, video recording, photography and/or production of visual arts.

What kind of work will I do when I graduate?

Graduates of this program may go on to become a

Front-end web designer, back-end web developer, technical lead, or project manager.

Places you may find yourself employed include

Some self-employed programmers work from home, communication design studios, computer software development firms, interactive software publishers, media production companies, or information technology consulting firms.

Typical working conditions for this kind of work:

  • Sit for long periods of time
  • Work under the pressure of constant deadlines
  • 60 hour work weeks are not uncommon

Tasks a graduate may do in the workplace

  • Work closely with graphic designers, visual artists and others to collect and document user requirements
  • Assist in the development of logical and physical specifications
  • Develop interfaces for interactive digital media (for example, responsive websites)
  • Utilize animation software
  • Program special effects for film and video applications
  • Write, modify, integrate and test software code for Internet applications
  • Research and evaluate interactive media applications
  • Attend technical training courses and conferences and read computer related journals, magazines and newsletters in order to keep up to date

Helpful links for further research into this Fanshawe College program and career opportunity

Professional Credentials and Affiliations associated with this program

  • Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS)
  • CMPA: Canadian Media Production Association
  • Digital Media Association (DMA)
  • Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC)
  • Fanshawe’s library has prepared a subject guide for current students in this program. You may find the links and information provided very useful in learning more about this career.

Take the next step

View our Admissions Timeline to learn the steps and how to apply.

Ready to apply? Apply now!
** Applicants to this program may also be interested in the Media Theory and Production  collaborative degree program with Western University. In four years, students earn a three year Bachelor of Arts and a two year diploma. Students begin at the university and come to Fanshawe in year two. Application to the Media Theory and Production program is available on

Last Modified: January 15, 2024