Fanshawe Career Guide

Mechanical Technician - CNC/CAM MNC

Moderate workload

  • Eight courses in your first semester
  • At least one hour of study required for each hour in class
  • 24 hours of class (48 hour/week commitment)

Holland Code: R (Realistic)

What academic skills do I need to be successful in the program?

The list below does not replace the admission requirements you must have for admission to the program. Please see website for details.

Math & Science Math is not required, but grade 12 Foundations for College Math would be good preparation for this program.

Arts & Literacy Applicants should be able to communicate effectively in English (write professionally written reports).

Technology Moderate computer skills required (Microsoft Office suite, Computer Aided Machining (CAM), Computer Numerical Machine (CNM). Moderate use of student portal system, students need to check email and posts several times per week.

What personal qualities should someone interested in this career have?

  • Creative
  • Enjoy figuring out problems
  • Enjoy working with tools, equipment, instruments and machinery at tasks requiring precision
  • Enjoy analyzing problems and finding innovative solutions
  • Enjoy taking a methodical approach to their work
  • Willingness to continuously update one’s education
  • An aptitude for and interest in mathematics and science
  • Detail oriented
  • Good oral and written communication skills
  • The ability to work with a variety of people in a team
  • The ability to work under pressure of deadlines
  • Patience and persistence combined with good time management skills
  • Reliable, dependable,  respectful
  • Work with minimal supervision
  • Enjoy “tinkering” with equipment

Useful background experience for this program would be

Any activities which involve the use of hand tools; doing tasks which require visualization; and/or using a computer to perform research.

What kind of work could I do when I graduate?

Graduates of this program may go on to become a

Computer Numerical Operator.

Typical working conditions for this kind of work:

  • Usually work indoors in offices, shops or production departments
  • May occasionally work outdoors in unsheltered environments
  • May be required to lift equipment weighing up to 20 kilograms
  • Often work as a member of team working on a particular project
  • The intense concentration required and the pressure of deadlines can be stressful.

Places you may find yourself employed include …

Advanced manufacturing in automotive, agricultural, woodworking, and medical production facilities.

Tasks a graduate may do in the workplace

  • Measure dimensions of finished workpieces to ensure conformance to specifications, using precision measuring instruments, templates, and fixtures.
  • Mount, install, align, and secure tools, attachments, fixtures, and workpieces on machines, using hand tools and precision measuring instruments.
  • Stop machines to remove finished workpieces or to change tooling, setup, or workpiece placement, according to required machining sequences.
  • Transfer commands from servers to computer numerical control (CNC) modules, using computer network links.
  • Check to ensure that workpieces are properly lubricated and cooled during machine operation.
  • Set up and operate computer-controlled machines or robots to perform one or more machine functions on metal or plastic workpieces.
  • Insert control instructions into machine control units to start operation.
  • Review program specifications or blueprints to determine and set machine operations and sequencing, finished workpiece dimensions, or numerical control sequences.
  • Listen to machines during operation to detect sounds such as those made by dull cutting tools or excessive vibration and adjust machines to compensate for problems.
  • Remove and replace dull cutting tools.

Helpful links for further research into this Fanshawe College program and career opportunity

Websites with good information for further research on the careers associated with this program

  • Canadian Tooling and Machining Association (CTMA)
  • Association for Manufacturing Excellence (AME)
  • Canadian Council of Technicians and Technologists (CCTT)
  • Fanshawe’s library has prepared a subject guide for current students in this program. You may find the links and information provided very useful in learning more about this career.

Take the next step

View our Admissions Timeline to learn the steps and how to apply.

Ready to apply? Apply now!

Last Modified: January 15, 2024